
   If you get a double charge claim from your credit card processor, you can use the Advanced Credit Card Processing Details report to see if that holds true.


Navigate to Reports and search for Advanced Credit Card Processing Details

The following information is useful to have ready:
  • Transaction time.
  • The card type (Visa / Mastercard / Discover)
  • Last four digits of the card number.
  • Amount of the transaction.
Use the filters to narrow down your search results and this should help in determining if the card was double charged. Take note of the transaction times and approval codes, perhaps they simply made two separate transactions. You can verify that by looking at the sales receipts. Simply add the Trans # as the column to the report. If you still require assistance, feel free to contact us for support.

Here is a video showing how to access and use the Credit Card Processing Details Report:

Average Time to Complete

5 minutes