
Once the system have been configured, the integration will run automatically daily, but it can also be used to post manually or download the file the would be posted for analysis.


Automated Posting

By default, the file will be posted daily to the configured FTP, in the order outlined within the Integration Process Schedules between the hours of 3:00 AM and 4:00 AM CST.

Manual Posting

  1. Navigate to the VIP Supplier Reporting sandbox page (https://instanceName/reports/sandbox/VIPSupplierReporting)
  2. Set your desired Start Date / End Date (if required)
  3. Click the Post File button under the heading that matches the file you want to post to VIP
    • Review the pop-up window for the success of each step in the process or the process as a whole

Downloading Files

  1. Navigate to the VIP Supplier Reporting sandbox page (https://instanceName/reports/sandbox/VIPSupplierReporting)
  2. Set your desired Start Date / End Date (if required)
  3. Click the Download File button under the heading that matches the file you want to download
    • Review the pop-up window for the success of each step in the process or the process as a whole
    • The file will be downloaded via your web browser when the process is complete
