
Some basic information about THC products and liquor stores. **DISCLAIMER** We are not lawyers. Proceed with caution and contact your lawyer to confirm that you can sell these products and which products are legal in your area.

There are several things that you should be made aware of with THC products:

  1. Not all credit card processing agreements allow for the sale of THC products on them. Most, in fact, do not. CONFIRM with your credit card processor to see if you can take payment on THC products. If you are caught selling products that you shouldn't on credit card tender, your processor can shut down your account and keep your money.

  2. North American Bancard (NAB) DOES allow for transactions on THC products ONLY if the following is true
    1. The products sold must be low potency THC hemp-derived below .3%
    2. Less than 15% of your sales are THC products

  3. ID everyone, in the state of MN you are required to ask for ID on all THC products sold, with NO EXCEPTIONS.
    1. We can help with this using our age verification system and requiring a cashier to check IDs on specific products in the system.

  4. 10% sales tax starting 7/1/23. This is on top of state and local sales tax and needs to be called out separatly on the sales receipt.

Above everything, please make sure you are overly cautious when selling these products. If you are unsure about anything, please contact your lawyer.


Cloud Retailer Blog on THC

How to Configure and Use Age Verification

Setting up THC Sales Tax

Setting up Cash Only sales for specific products